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Latest Episodes
Dissecting Digital Futures and the Proliferation of Misogynoir
In this episode of Feminist Networks and the Conjuncture, Dr. Moya Bailey and Dr. Sarah Banet-Weiser discuss how Dr. Bailey coined the term “misogynoir”, her publicati...

Reality TV: A Constant Reinvention for Living in Real-Time?
In this episode, host Sarah Banet-Weiser talks with Professor Eva Hageman and Professor Laurie Ouellette about their work on representation in reality TV and on identi...

The Feminist Ethics of Care: Community Building in Academia
In this episode, host Sarah Banet-Weiser talks with guest Sarah J. Jackson about the feminist ethics care work in academia. They discuss how the responsibility of care...

Women and Whisper Networks: Anti-GBV Activism on College Campuses and Online
In this episode, host Sarah Banet-Weiser talks with McGill researchers Carrie Rentschler and Emily Colpitts about how attitudes against gender-based violence (GBV) are...

Trailer: The International Communication Association Podcast Network
The International Communication Association presents the ICA Podcast Network, where we’re grappling with questions about how to navigate, transform, and make sense of ...