“Where are the Me Too Headquarters?”: Exploring Me Too as a Conjuncture

In her first episode, host Sarah Banet-Weiser talks with guests Simidele Dosekun and Srila Roy about Me Too and whether it can be described as a “movement.” They explore Me Too’s marketization, its transnational implications in India and Africa, and how describing it as a generational battle is an oversimplification.

Sarah Banet-Weiser
Simidele Dosekun
Srila Roy


More from the host & speakers: 
Distinguished Professor; Professor | Annenberg School for Communication; Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism 
Twitter - @sbanetweiser
Assistant Professor | Department of Media and Communications 
Twitter - @MediaLSE
Associate Professor |  Sociology and Development Studies
Twitter - @ProfSrilaRoy 

Papers/Journal referred to in episode:

“Where are the Me Too Headquarters?”: Exploring Me Too as a Conjuncture
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